Throughout the year the Cathedral offers different seminars which are run to help further equip, train and nurture our community, such as:
- Biblical Theology Seminar – This seminar is held over two weekends where we will look at the big picture of the Bible’s storyline.
- Doctrine Seminars
- Parenting and/or Marriage Seminars.
Past Seminars
Below is a list of past seminars with links to recorded talks.
Rahab (Cathedral Women’s Fellowship Seminar)
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Judi Cheah
Watch the Seminar
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The Word One To One
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Rev William Taylor
Download the Word One To One material
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Revolutionary Work
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Rev William Taylor
Watch the Seminar
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An Overview of the book of Revelation
Sunday, 11 August 2024
Rev Dr Michael Jensen
Watch the Seminar
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Saturday, 3 August 2024
Judi Cheah & Frances Lim
We are designed for relationships, but sometimes struggle most with those we are closest to. Come and explore the problems and promise of intimacy and find hope for our relationships with friends, husbands, and God himself.
Listen/Download the talk
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At The Feet Of Jesus
Saturday, 27 January 2024
Judi Cheah
We meet in Luke’s Gospel two different women who spent time at Jesus’ feet, and discover who they found him to be.
Listen/Download the talk
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Cycles Of Life
Saturday, 4 February 2023
Dr Tan Boon Nee & Judi Cheah
Discover more about what God’s Word says about our bodies and how to live in them for Him.
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Gender Identity
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Canon Sam Allberry
What does the Bible say about issues regarding gender identity, and how should we as Christians respond to these issues? Canon Sam Allberry shows us how to navigate conversations about gender identity.
Watch the Webinar
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Parenting with Purpose
Sunday 20 October 2019
Rory Bell
The Bible clearly teaches that parents are to be the primary spiritual mentors of their children. But most parents are too tired or feel inadequate to undertake what can seem like an impossible task. Come and be inspired, equipped and encouraged in your God-given role to bring your children up in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
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Question & Answer Session
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The Gospel and Your Body
Friday 7 December 2018
Vaughan Roberts
Despite the impression given by its obsession with beauty, fitness and health, contemporary society tends to have a low view of the body, regarding it as just the casing which contains the essential self. By contrast, the Bible teaches that we don’t just have bodies, we are bodies. Grasping the Bible’s perspective on this subject will not only help us form a Christian understanding of some of the most contentious issues of our day, but give us practical guidance about how to live with broken bodies and serve the Lord with consecrated bodies (in whom the Holy Spirit dwells), while we wait for our glorified bodies in the new creation.
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Godly Dating Seminar
Sunday 11 November 2018
Tim Nicholls
Are you in a relationship or hope to be in the future? What does God have to say about dating and marriage? Is there ONE for me? Can I date a non-Christian? How can I be godly? Should we get married? Or should we break up? What about romance? In this seminar by Rev Tim Nicholls, we investigate all these questions and more, and explore together how God’s word guides, comforts and challenges us in this important area of life.
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Parenting Seminar: How to Shepherd Our Children
Sunday 23 September 2018
Sandy Galea
How parents are able to bring their children up to know and love God.
Listen/Download the talk
Download the talk outline
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Seminar: Early Church History
Saturday 7 July 2018
Rev Dr Andrew Bain
Come join us with Rev. Andrew Bain in thinking about how the gospel spread in the early church, and how it worked out key theological history about the person and work of Christ, the Trinity, and Scripture! In this seminar, we will not only learn more about the story of the Early Church, but we will also look in depth at selected Church Fathers on some key issues that are still important today. We will look at how some Fathers interpreted and taught the Bible, what they had to say about faith and the Christian life in the world, and about sin and grace.
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“Corruption in the church. Doctrinal disputes that were matters of life and death. Courageous and extraordinary individuals who lived and died to guard the gospel.”
The year 2017 marks the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation, a crucial turning point in church history, where the biblical gospel, which had been corrupted and lost in the Medieval church, was discovered afresh. Operating on the principle of “Scripture Alone”, the Reformers took the church back to the Bible, to affirm with the greatest clarity that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
Listen also to our sermon series on the Five Solas: We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone.
Beginning of the Reformation
Saturday, 3 June 2017
A seminar with Rev Dr Andrew Bain, delving into the what happened during the Reformation and why the Reformation still matters today.
Talk 1: Why Reform? Why Protest?
Talk 2: How Far to Take Reform?
Talk 3: What is the Shape of Reform?
Talk 4: The End of Reform?
English Reformation
Sunday, 20 August 2017
A seminar with Rev Dr Michael Jensen, exploring the origins of our prayer book, and how the English Reformation shaped our church today.
Listen/Download the talk
William Tyndale
23 April
Tyndale is famous for translating the Bible into English for the first time. Tyndale’s translation played a key role in spreading Reformation ideas across the English-speaking world.
Listen/Download the Talk
Martin Luther
9 July
When Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg, the Reformation began. Luther’s great discovery was that we are justified by faith alone and not by works.
Listen/Download the Talk
John Calvin
24 September
Calvin was responsible for training generations of gospel ministers who would take Reformed Theology from Geneva throughout the world. Calvin wrote a magnificent systematic theology called “Institutes of the Christian Religion.”
Thomas Cranmer
19 November
Cranmer was instrumental in the Reformation of the English church and is most famous for writing the Book of Common Prayer and The Homilies which spread Reformation theology throughout the English church.
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Traditional Chinese Beliefs
Sunday 8 October 2017
Rev Andy Ng
Explore the practical ways to respond as a Christian to some traditional Chinese beliefs, such as those found in the Chinese funeral ceremony, wedding customs, Ching Ming festival, etc.
Question & Answer Session
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Doctrine Seminar: Ecclesiology and the Means of Grace
Saturday 19 August 2017
Rev Dr Michael Jensen
What is ‘church’? What is it for? What should it do? For centuries, Protestant Christians have agreed on many important issues – but the doctrine of church is clearly not one of them! Why is this the case? Isn’t the Bible clear on such matters? This seminar explores the doctrines of church.
Talk 1: The Destiny of the Church
Talk 2: The Hallmarks of the Church
Talk 3: The Worship of the Church
Talk 4: The Leadership of the Church
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Mini-Seminar: Transgender
Sunday 8 January 2017
Vaughan Roberts
There’s been huge cultural change in the last few decades. Same-sex marriage would have been unthinkable 20 or 30 years ago. Now it’s almost universally accepted in the Western world. Now suddenly the issue of transgender is the next big social, cultural issue that has dominated the headlines.
Vaughan Roberts surveys the Christian worldview and seeks to apply these principles to the many complex questions surrounding gender identity. This seminar gives the starting point for constructive discussion as we seek to live in a world with different values, and love, serve and relate to transgender people.
Question & Answer Session
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Doctrine Seminar: Christology
Friday 16 September 2016
Professor Gerald Bray
This full day of teaching and discussion focuses on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Why is it important that we know Jesus was both human and divine? Why does his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead actually matter? What difference should Jesus Christ make to our every day lives? These are just some of the questions we’ll be thinking through in God’s word together under the teaching of Professor Gerald Bray.
Talk 1: The Person and Nature of Christ; Who is Jesus?
Talk 2: The Atonement of Christ; What Did Jesus Do?
Talk 3: The Imitation of Christ; What Should Be Our Response to Him?
Question & Answer Session
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Seminar: Romans
16 May 2015
Rev David Cook
The reformer Martin Luther said this after reading Romans:
“I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for my salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken my sins away, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Karl Barth were all changed after studying Romans.
Luther, in his preface to the Roman letter, wrote:
“‘Romans’ deserves not only to be known word for word by every Christian, but to be the subject of his meditation day by day, the daily bread of his soul…the more time one spends on it, the more precious it becomes and the better it appears.””
We joined Rev David Cook for a day, as he taught and summarised the whole book of Romans, for the more time we spend on it, the more precious it becomes and the better it appears.
Talk 1: Romans 1 – 8: Righteousness of God
Talk 2: Romans 9 – 11: Righteousness of God to Israel
Talk 3: Romans 12 – 16: Communal Righteousness
Question & Answer Session
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Seminar: Friendship
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Sam Allberry
What is friendship, and does it matter?
Many of us may have many friends in our address book and phone or on Facebook but not really know what friendship is for, or how it is meant to work. For others, we may struggle to make and keep friendships. The Bible says that friendship is vital to living wisely in God’s world.
In this morning seminar where, through talks, discussion and a Q & A panel, we looked at what God’s word says about the character and importance of friendship, and thinking practically together about how this should make a difference to our lives.
Talk 1: The Importance of Friendship
Talk 2: The Marks of Friendship
Talk 3: The Source of Friendship
Question & Answer Session
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Seminar: Unlocking Revelation
July 2014
David Gibb
The book of Revelation may seem confusing, scary, dramatic and full of action. This seminar on unlocking Revelation enables us to learn to read the book ourselves and understand the principles of interpreting it rightly in light of the Gospel, and point us to Jesus.
Talk 1: A Look at Jesus and His Church: What Will the Church Face?
Talk 2: A Look Behind the Scenes: What on Earth is Happening?
Talk 3: A Look into the Future: What is this World Coming To?
Question & Answer Session
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Seminar: Staying Spiritually Fresh
November 2013
Vaughan Roberts
As followers of Jesus we need to cultivate hearts that love God more than anything else in the world. How do we do that? How do we keep growing in heartfelt devotion to him as we live our lives in a busy world with all its demands and distractions? How do keep the Gospel at the very centre of our spiritual lives so that it is indeed Him that we truly love?
Talk 1: A The Wellspring Of Life
Talk 2: The New Way Of THe Spirit
Question & Answer Session
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Doctrine Seminar: Justification
September 2013
Andrew Reid
The seminar examines critical passages of Scripture on this topic and their implications, and think about what it means to be right with God.
Talk 1: The Grounds Of Jusification
Talk 2: The Means Of Justification
Talk 3: The Gospel Of Justification
Talk 4: The Fruit Of Justification
Question & Answer Session 1
Question & Answer Session 2
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Seminar: Is God Anti-Gay?
July 2013
Sam Allberry
How the gospel can be good news to gay people
Audio (MP3) –
Talk: Is God Anti-Gay?
Video –
Talk: Is God Anti-Gay?
Audio (MP3) –
Question & Answer Session
Video –
Question & Answer Session
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Cathedral Women’s Fellowship Event: Contentment
July 2013
Kate Wheatley
Talk 1: If Only You Were Content With Yourself
Talk 2: If Only You Were Content With Your Circumstances
Talk 3: If Only You Were Content With God’s Plan For You
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Doctrine Seminar: Trinity
September 2011
Andrew Reid
This is an intensive on the Holy Trinity. How many times have our non-Christian friends challenged us to answer “how can your God be both three and one at the same time?” or the like. This seminar helps us understand this doctrine better, especially in liturgy when we recite the benediction: “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. Amen.”
Foundations for the Trinity
The Trinity and Relationships
The Trinity and the Church
Contemporary Challenges to the Trinity
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