A Burning Passion for God’s Word

Do you find reading God’s Word a Joy or a Chore?

Catherine Bakewell and Koay Jing Wei

Many young people of today exhibit a great lack of interest in God’s Word. Thus, it was encouraging to witness the enthusiasm for God’s Word among young people like Catherine Bakewell (CB) and Koay Jing Wei (JW), former members of University College Fellowship (UCF). Joanne Liaw had the privilege of interviewing them.

“I really enjoyed how everyone at UCF was so eager to study God’s Word. Retrospectively, I realise we didn’t do much else but study Scripture, yet no one ever complained. We thoroughly enjoyed spending Saturday afternoons digging into God’s Word together.” – CB

Catherine was born in Poole, England but moved with her family to Penang when she was three. Jing Wei, on the other hand, was born and bred closer to home in Muar, Johor. Catherine and Jing Wei were taking A-levels at Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) in 2014 when they heard about UCF, a Bible Study group, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, for university and college students.

I took the opportunity to ask them a few questions about their time at UCF.

The Interview
What did you learn during your time at UCF?
CB: I learned so much that there's no way I could say it all. One of the main things I learned was how to study the Bible. Previous Bible studies I’d been to did not teach the Bible in such great depth like UCF. We always looked at the context of the passage which really helped us to understand His Word.

We studied many books during my time there. The wonderful thing I learned was how all those books pointed to God’s sovereign and magnificent plan of salvation that would glorify His name eternally and was being brought to fulfillment!

Each Bible Study Leader of the week had a different style of teaching and I really enjoyed that. As the late Danaraj Samuel led Galatians, he was very strict and direct about the Word; there was no beating around the bush. That teaching style compelled me to engage with the Word and try to understand it as best as I could. Tim Nicholls led Ruth in a very clear manner and there was also a lot of time to discuss the passages in smaller groups. Kenneth Lo’s leading was also very effective and I truly learned a lot from him.

JW: I learned a lot during my time at UCF. I learned about evangelism, Christian Apologetics,
persecution, Galatians, Ephesians, Boy-Girl-Relationships and 1 John.

It is wonderful to hear of the things you have learned during your time at UCF. So, what are your future plans?
CB: I am currently taking a gap year. I will further my studies in September 2016. I plan to go into education and thus will be taking an English major.

If I receive a scholarship, I will most likely be going to the Universities of Manchester or York to pursue a bachelor’s degree in English and Education. However, if I do not get a scholarship, I will be going to the University of Nottingham, Semenyih, to do a bachelor’s degree in English. The latter will hopefully allow me to return to St. Mary’s. I will be content with either pathway. God truly is sovereign and my goal in life is to please Him.

JW: I applied to study Physics in the United Kingdom and will further my studies there in September 2016 if I get a scholarship. In the meantime, I will be serving in Malaysia’s Youth for Christ in Malacca, helping the Youth Ministry in my home church in Muar to run a 6-month long Bible Study and conducting tuition classes during the weekend.

UCF members at SMAGOW 2015

Could you share some of your memorable moments at UCF?
CB: Some of the most memorable moments would comprise the analogies and illustrations we came up with to aid us in our understanding of God’s Word. Those were good times, and even though the analogies didn’t make sense at times, they made a Bible verse or message, even more memorable.

I will also always remember fondly the times where we would often stay back for more than an hour after the study had ended to talk and encourage one another.

JW: I still remember the excitement I experienced during my first three months at UCF as we read, thought about and discussed God's Word together. I was always inspired, enlightened and encouraged.

Personal Reflection

CB and JW’s enthusiasm for God’s Word brought much joy to my heart. I felt guilty about my occasional lack of interest in reading God’s Word as it became more of a chore than a joy over the course of time. It is my prayer that more Christians will find great joy in reading the Word of God.

“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103)