St.Mary’s Agape Mission School has been a part of St.Mary’s Cathedral ministry work since 2014. It caters to children who are legally unable to receive an education in Malaysia.
At present, the school serves 82 children aged 4-18, most of whom are Myanmar refugees. The school runs from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm and, while there are 5 local myanmar teachers, it depends fully on volunteers who are willing to give up some time during the week to help support these children.
The curriculum used is the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) program which is an individualised learning program. All operational costs are covered by donations from generous parties.
Should you like more information are feel you might be interested in joining the team, please do not hesitate to contact Mei at [email protected]
If you would like to donate to the school, please make an online transfer to:
- Bank: Alliance Bank
- Account Name: Synod of the Diocese of West Malaysia AK
- Account No: 14194 00100 71577