Never Too Young

Age is just a number. Do you agree?

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Paul told Timothy, a young pastor of the first-century church, not to let others look down on him because of his youth. No one is ever too young to grow in his knowledge of God and serve Him in a great capacity. Joanne Liaw elaborates more on this.

“I am thankful for the faithful Bible teaching I have been receiving through Youth Fellowship.” – Hannah Cheah

At St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Youth Fellowships of the English, Iban and BM congregations are instrumental in building up and equipping the youth with the knowledge of God’s Word, enabling them to serve Him in various ways.

“I don’t think I would actually even be a Christian if it wasn’t for attending Youth Fellowship and confirmation classes this year. I didn't know anything about the Gospel before this.” There are many youth who are still lost in darkness and need someone to lead them to Jesus, the Light who pierces the darkness of the soul. Youth Fellowship should be a place that youth can call home. A home for sinners saved by the grace of God and ushered into God’s family.

The English Youth Fellowship
According to Marianne Liaw, one of the youth leaders, “The Youth Fellowship is indeed a very ‘happening’ and eventful group!” Their fun-filled, interactive and Bible-centred youth meetings take place every Sunday from 10.30am-12pm. On the first Sunday of the month, the youth serve in various capacities, such as ushering, Bible reading, music, Kids’ Church, and in the 10.30am Sunday services. A good number of youths were also of great help, encouragement and service during the Cathedral Family Camp and Kids' Church Christmas Eve service last year.

Some youth have taken part in the monthly visit to Shal Home, a home for the mentally ill, to share God’s Word with the residents there. The youth have also been involved with activities at the Diocesan level such as the Upper Central Diocesan Lenten Lunchbox project and the Diocesan English Youth Camp last year.

The Iban Youth Fellowship
The Iban have their youth meetings on the second, fourth and fifth Sunday of the month. Bonds are built between the youth through regular socials like futsal games, Youth Retreats and Conferences. The leaders are seeking to encourage the youth to grow and build each other up in Christ and bring more youth into the ministry.

The BM Youth Fellowship
Youth members of the BM congregation have been growing in their knowledge of God through regular Bible study and have been strengthening bonds with one another through prayer, sharing their lives and socials such as youth retreats, movie outings, bowling and futsal games. The following are testimonies from youth members on their growth in Christ through Youth Fellowship.

“I have learned much and grown in my faith and personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through the sharing of God’s Word in our Youth Fellowship.” – Shelymeilly Rusain

“Activities organised by our Youth Fellowship have encouraged us to have agape love, become more Christlike in character and live for Him.” – Efneybit Japrin

“Before I joined Youth Fellowship, I was a nominal Christian who served at church out of obligation. However, I began to learn about God’s love in my life through Youth Fellowship. I experienced a spiritual healing in my life.” – Jesica Laining

It has been encouraging to see not just numerical but spiritual growth in the Youth Fellowships over the years. Despite the struggles they face, their eagerness to grow in godliness is inspiring. Their love for God, reflected in the love they have for one another, has been astounding. It is simply amazing to see the Gospel bearing fruit in the lives of many of the youth members.

Many youth are lost in darkness and need the Light
To pierce the darkness of their soul and give them sight
Who will save these perishing young souls from their plight?
Who will tell them of the Saviour’s power and might?

It is time for the youths of our churches to rise
To read the Word of God that makes the foolish wise
To help those groping in darkness to realise
That only Jesus can save them from their demise